Indian Railways proposes to meet the challenge through the implementation of the following thrust areas during the Ninth Plan period. Generation of adequate rail transport capacity for handling increasing freight and passenger traffic, with special emphasis on the development of terminals. Completion of the process of rehabilitation, replacement and renewal of over-aged assets.
Modernisation and upgradation of the rail transport system to reduce costs and improve reliability, safety and the quality of service to customers.
Continue with the policy of Uni-gauge.
Introduction of 6000 hp Electric locomotives and 4000 hp Diesel Locomotives employing state-of-the-art technology.
Expansion and upgradation of inter-modal operations, including containerisation.
Improvement of manpower productivity, work culture and staff morale. The broad details of the action plan, to achieve these objectives are as under:
High horse power (4000 hp) diesel locomotives with AC/AC transmission and state-of-the-art technology are being imported, along with the transfer of technology for their indigenous manufacture at Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi. Modern light weight passenger coaches are also being imported along with the transfer of technology for indigenous manufacture. Improved payload to tare freight wagons are also being planned for the Indian Railways.
Three-phase drive AC electric locomotives of 6000 hp have been imported along with the transfer of technology for indigenous manufacture at Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan. Electrification of high-density corridors in order to conserve fossil fuels and provide a pollution-free and energy-efficient mode of transportation will also be pursued.